What does the Crotty family like best about their brand new Malibu Wakesetter? EVERYTHING! That boat is just one big party waiting to happen! We had so many fabulous times in our Mali last summer that I don’t even know where to begin!

We started the “party” the day we picked up the boat. Because April in Northern Minnesota isn’t very warm, we were all sitting in the boat inside the heated garage with the stereo blasting! The boys even slept in it that night because they were so excited to finally have the boat of their dreams! The stereo system in this boat is amazing. We have four speakers on the tower, besides what is in the boat, and believe me, you can hear us coming! The most obvious reason for purchasing the boat was so that our two sons, Andy (21) and Pat (20), would be able to improve on their wakeboarding skills. Up until last summer, they boarded behind a Ranger fishing boat! We have some awesome pictures taken of them wakeboarding behind their new boat. The wake behind the Mali is so huge and because of that, they have learned so many new tricks and are so high up in the air that we are totally amazed. There were many, many times when we were out on the lake that we had 10 or 11 people in the boat and there was still plenty of room. The boat is built for comfort and entertaining. The storable party table comes in handy when you’re floating and its snack time. The storage areas are unreal which is really important when you have a boatload of people and you want to be able to move around. Our Golden Retriever has always been a “boat dog” so she decided that the front of the boat belongs to her! If anyone is going out boating, she goes along with!

Our entire family was in a state of depression when it was time to pull the boat out of the water on Labor Day weekend. The boys were heading back to college so we decided to take it out for the season. It was almost like someone died! Andy called from school a few days later and he said he thought there should be a “pill” to help you get over the “Mali depression”. We all have a picture of the boat as our screen saver on our computers so that we can at least look at it during the winter months!

When it came time to think about doing Christmas cards this year, I was trying to decide what picture(s) I would like to use. In thinking back over the past year and what was important in the life of our family, there was only one obvious route to go…MALIBU PICTURES! I made a collage with 8 of our favorite boat pictures from last summer and I have to say, it turned out really fun!

So, that’s our Malibu story. We all love spending time in our boat and can’t wait for summer to return!

The Crotty Family

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